Tuesday, March 17, 2009


sup? HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY!!! There's no way in hell I'm going out for a beer before this week's weigh in. More 'Gettin' it done' vlogs to come. The story behind 'Gettin' it done':

The winky guy at the gym and I are friends now. His name is Steven. We're both kind of overenthusiastic about exercising. We're there early in the morning and can always count on seeing the other one there. Other people come and go, lose their drive. It's what we say when we greet each other.

"You gettin' it done?"
"Yeah, I'm gettin' it done."

It's just the theme of spring break I suppose. Says it all in 3 words. I'm doing what I need to do, and I'm ready to weigh in this week, but I will be a smidgen dissappointed if I'm not there. I'm preparing myself. It's a bit of a stressful weigh in, you know? I want 199!!! I'm doing everything perfectly. I need to lose at least 1.2 from last week to see the number I want. Let me review the positives ahead of time:
-I can jog 25 minutes straight, and I feel amazing after I'm done.
-I feel alive when I sweat
-I eat really well
-Spring is coming, and I'm enjoying the 50 degree weather
-I'm carrying A's in all of my classes
-I've got the cutest dog in the world
-I got organic pears for the price of regular pears this week. Boo-yah!
-I've got head sized boobs. kinda.
-It's a sunny day outside. I'm going for a walk :D


Sars said...

head sized boobs, huh? LOLOLOL

You are such an inspiration, Nat! Get it done!

Ariana said...

head sized boobs!? share some of the boobage over here! :D mine will be all but gone with 20 more pounds gone at the rate they shrinking at!

but awesome job hitting the gym and hitting it hard! show it whose's boss!
i need to spend a week with you so you can teach me the ways of awesome work outs sifu Nati!