Sunday, March 22, 2009

Binge/Spring break wrap up

I was watching one of thesiegster's videos today, where he says to post thoughts during, before, or after a binge, and so I am going to write about lunch today.

We went to this Indian restaurant in a neighboring town - a restaurant we only visit for birthdays. It's a buffet, which is already a recipe for disaster. Afterward, my stomach hurt. I felt so full and bloated. I feel awful since then and still now, 7 hours later. What a disaster. Sure, I'm going to forgive myself for stuffing my body like that, but I feel depressed right now and I just want to document that I am not immune. I still have these binge issues, like a sleeping volcano they erupt every so often. I fool myself into thinking I am over it and then they hit me. Birthdays seem to be a trigger. I love indian food, and I know I don't get it very often. I feel full after the first serving, but I always go back for 2 more, and then I am in pain.

The night before that, we had a great dinner.. salad, salmon, pasta.. accompanied by desserts galore. After everyone left the table I had a couple more servings of high calorie, high fat gloriousness. I always hang back after people walk away to tend to the dishes or to socialize on the couch, eyeing up all the desserts. Writing about it makes me feel like.. hjsdhfiuwbg.

Tonight, I ate a big piece of salmon, and while I was eating it I thought to myself "If I don't eat it now, it will be tempting me all week and I don't know how to calculate the calories in it". My weekends are a lot less strict than the weekdays. On weekdays I am on the weekly exercise plan along with being in school where I am way too busy to think about food. I get up in the morning and log in all the food I plan on eating until I get home. Then, I pack a lunch and snacks, and eat as I get hungry.

I did go for a morning jog yesterday, it was lovely. I love sunny days. Today was rather gloomy, so I did some mall walking in the afternoon after lunch. It helped with the stomach ache I had. I was pretty low on energy the rest of the day.

I go back to classes tomorrow. Goodbye, spring break 09'. I didn't go anywhere fancy like my friends did, but I did enjoy the staycation I had at home with the house to myself. I finished a book, worked out, enjoyed my family's birthdays, and got some household things in order.

1 comment:

Ariana said...

i do well at family dinners.. then i linger around the dessert area... then suddenly the dessert is no longer on the counter, but in my tummy.. D: i think we all have a problem leaving this "fat person" eating mentality. me and vince were talking about it last night.
i enjoyed your week long blogs! was fun. <3