Thursday, March 19, 2009


{Edit: The picture is really dark isn't it? It says 200.2}

Is that a fucking tease or what?? lol. I'm actually not dissappointed at all like I thought I may be. This just isn't the week it happens.

This next week I am going to increase my calories. On the days that I work out, 2,000. On the days that I don't, 1,700. The fitness center director lady and I had a chat, and I'd like to try it to see where it takes me.

I'm either going hiking or out to a bar tonight. My friend Adriana just turned 21. It just depends on how much daylight is left after she gets out of work.

Aaaaand crap. I forgot today is my dad's birthday. I've got to get him a present

1 comment:

Ariana said...

you could PEE that out!
but thats great! :D <3
have fun tonight!
and happy b-day to your dad!