Thursday, April 30, 2009

Thursday & anticipation!

This week at school is African week, and everyday is a different event related to Africa. I can't tell you how much more enriched I feel through this event... yesterday I finally had an understanding for Darfur. I cried. The whole room felt the pain of the Sudanese. The day before I saw how decolonialization was affecting Africa, and why their economy is so poor and dependent on other countries. Today, we are having some dancers from Congo, and I am soo excited for that. My friend Ongala is going to sit with me and tell me about his dance experience. He used to be a traditional dancer in Kenya, and he's one of my closer friends right now in college.

Also, yesterday I was giving blood to the blood bank and the strangest thing happened. I was at about a pint of blood when everything started to go black. I was dizzy, lightheaded, weak, couldn't think.. Then out of nowhere 6 nurses crowded around me and threw ice on me. They made my chair horizontal, and had my head be lower than the rest of my body. I wasn't allowed to leave for some time after that until my blood pressure returned to normal. That's the second time I almost passed out. It's kind of frightening because I didn't know what was going on.

hmm.. my date with Amir is today. excited? a bit. It's also Nabil's birthday, so I have to get him a present! Oh something at Barnes & Noble. He's very religious and I'm not sure what to get him. Maybe a nice journal

I was supposed to weigh myself today but I completely forgot! I was at the computer when I remembered with a mango shake in my hand.. aww crap. tomorrow!

Oh.. also my brother is going to Otakon this year I think it's in July? I saw a wig in his room. Oh god. I can't wait to see the pictures :)

1 comment:

Ariana said...

oh mans! i did my informative presentation in my human communications class about Darfur. and the sad part was that NO ONE knew what it was, or what the sudanese are going threw. colonization completely ruined that continent and i think the major world powers should swallow their pride, admit that they are partly to blame and help rebuild and restructure.

whoo! you must tell how your date went. (: <3

ahh! anime conventions! yay!