Monday, April 6, 2009


Life was crap last week, and I'm so glad it's over temporarily. Non weight loss stuff I don't feel like talking about. I've had a week and a half of no dieting. Exercise, yes. That hasn't been a problem. I just felt horrible. I went to a party and all the pictures of me look awful. I stepped on the scale on Thursday and I was up 4 lbs. It just kind of makes me feel like 'why do I bother?' I was numbed out on the weekend. I stayed at my friend's house and we ate chinese all weekend. I'm talking we stocked the fridge with boxes and boxes of takeout and just went through it. She is a glutton too, probably more than I, but it never fails to bring out the glutton in me who can eat more food in one sitting than a 6'5" basketball player. Sunday sucked. I was so depressed, had a stomach ache from all the greasy food, low on energy, emotional.

Today, I've started out right. I knew Friday that the weekend would be tough, so I just let it go and I knew that I would start again fresh today.

So, this is where I am. My mom got me some juices because I explained to her that I ate too much greasy stuff and it's just screwing with my digestion. I'm taking it easy.

I'm staying away from the scale for a while, I definitely need to take a break again. The next time I weigh will be in May for my body fat test.

Also, If you follow my youtube channel, I want to take a break from youtube too. It's a combination of me not wanting to talk to a camera right now or be seen, and all the drama/negativity/making problems out of nothing that I see in people's videos. It's annoying me, which I think is a sign that I am logging in too often.

I will still watch Ariana's weekly videos, and those of you who follow my blog, but I'm going to make an attempt to stop logging in daily.

Oh also.. lol..
Someone was using my camera last week to flip through the photos we had just taken, and started playing a video of me talking to the camera. How embarrassing! Seriously you don't want that happening to you! How do you explain that? I was just like NOOO KILL IT!! and then I died a little inside

1 comment:

Ariana said...

yeah. im super protective of people flipping thru my camera because im afraid they will start watching a video. xD

and im sorry ta hear you had a bad week and a half. its alright. just minor set back. just gotta puff your chest up and take a deep breath and tell yourself self things will work out ok in the long run. <3

take as much time as ya need buddy. ill be here either way! <3