Sunday, April 12, 2009

Group 5

I've had the best week ever. I mean.. I didn't exercise all that much, and didn't pay attention to my diet, but.. I'm just so happy. You see, I'm in this group for my American National government class. In the beginning, we didn't get along very well. In fact, I had a heated argument with one of my team members a few weeks ago. But everything just flipped totally around after that, and.. I love them. Honestly, yes! I do! We've worked and worked on this project all weekend, and I just developed these beautiful friendships with all of them. I just hope I don't lose them after we present tomorrow. If we drift apart, that's ok and it was meant to happen. But... I'm really going to miss working with these guys

This is Nabil and I. He is very sweet and smart, one of two Egyptian Cristians I have met. He is an international student, his first language is Arabic, and he showed me how to write my name. Today, he gave me a beautiful painting on papyrus. Maybe one day I will be able to travel to Egypt and he can be my tour guide.

Muhammad is from Pakistan. We always joke that he is the pimp of the group. He's calm, and silly - just a nice guy to talk to and be around. And Lauren, oh we certainly got off on the wrong foot. But since then.. we've just clicked. I know she understands certain parts of me that I can't put into words and vice versa. This summer, we want to travel to Moscow together with the school. I am keeping my fingers crossed that the funds will be available, because I know it would be the trip of a lifetime!!!

We present tomorrow. We've practiced and practiced. I am excited and nervous.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ooo, fun! I would love to go to Egypt & Russia one day.