Thursday, April 23, 2009

weigh in and spring walks

This week has been pretty decent compared to other weeks. I went to the gym 3 days, not counting today and have been better about water. I'm not counting calories, it just doesn't feel like what I want to do right now. Counting calories had begun to stress me out again

This morning I was 198.4 which is down 1.6 from last week.

Outside is GORGEOUS!! Holy mole, I am just loving the afternoon walk. It's so good for my soul to breathe in the fresh air and admire everything in bloom.


Ariana said...


ahh! those are such beautiful pictures! no wonder you have been having spring fever! its amazing!

<3 and yay! keep pushing along in onderland!!

Sars said...

Beautiful! I need to come visit you and your doggy. :)