Thursday, April 16, 2009

Staying accountable

So, I decided that since I'm still not back to going to the gym :$ and have been eating whatever (not excessively) I would weigh myself today to get a reality check. I looked at pictures of myself from last weekend and I was positive I had gained weight. I step on the scale this morning and it says 200.0

Not exactly the kick in the arse I was expecting, but I'll take it.

Life's been so good otherwise. I love school. Today I have a bake sale, so I'm still at home baking. My house smells so yummy :) After that, there's an info session on the trip to Russia. Lauren and I are ecstatic that we're going together. I don't know.. it's like, we can just be real and sarcastic around each other. I love it.
Next semester I'm going to run for Vice President of the Social Work club, because to be honest I'm more of an active member than some of the club officers right now, and I think I can work well with groups as well, and Iwant to practice my leadership skills.

The presentation went well. I was put on the spot quite a bit with questions, but I survived.

Also, I have a crush on someone. He's very handsome and smart, I think he's interested in me too, but I'm hoping it dissolves soon so that I can stop thinking about him already.


Sars said...

Why do you want to stop thinking about this guy? You should ask him out!

Congrats on maintaining :)

Rachel said...

Hi, I just came across you on youtube - well done on your weight loss! I'm not long into my journey and seeing someone else do it is so encouraging! You look great :)