Sunday, May 3, 2009

Last week of classes

Words just fail me at a time like this.

The closest I can come to express how I feel right now is sentimental. Everything is hitting me all at once right now and it's very overwhelming. I'm trying very hard not to cry. This semester, I feel firmly that I have a place in this world, and that I know how I am going to refine ME to help humankind. More than that, I've connected with a lot of people who I know are in my life for a reason. People who I am positive I was meant to meet. It's an incredible experience, and in a unique atmosphere like the one at this school, I am only more excited for what this next year is going to bring. I've been shown a few more mirrors this semester through the people I've interacted with, and I'm liking what I see reflected back at me. I'm growing. I have a better sense of me. I know that I am emerging as a leader. I expect next semester to be doing a lot more public speaking outside of the classroom, and to hold leadership roles in school.

I'm sorry if that's confusing, and that this blog is becoming so much more than weight loss, but the truth is that I am more than my weight, and right now.. losing weight just isn't important to me. Maintaining or slow weight loss is all I want right now.

1 comment:

LadyofLostTimes said...

I am so happy for you hun. Finding ones true self is one of the best things that can happen. Dont worry if your blog is not heading down the weight loss path, bloging is about your life and what is important to you then and there.

I am happy to read about you hun. weightloss or not.