Sunday, April 26, 2009

88 degrees

yup. That's how hot it was today. PA is not known for jumping right into summer heat, but it was kind of nice to wear just a thin short sleeve shirt. The dog and I went to the park. He swam in the river and I just walked around.

part 1 of giantic research paper down, 3 parts to go >.>

Yesterday I went to New Jersey with the honors society in my school, and we cleaned up a beach. We collected around 15 lbs worth of bottle caps, straws, plastics etc. Some of our most notable finds were a used condom and a syringe. It was cool to spend an entire day with some of the other members and have interesting conversations in the car. I'd do it again.

tomorrow I send out my application for the visa to visit Russia. Another $190 right there, and then I still have to buy the plane ticket. I'm going to learn about the itinerary for the trip and more cultural things.


Ariana said...

yay! 88 degree weather! you stole it from us! geeze! we went back down to low 70! **sniff**

yeah i realized with my trip last summer that you end up paying a lot just to get paper work and such done! lol! but its so worth it! <3 ahh!

yay! for beach clean up! my biology teacher is working on perserving a part of a beach down here known for its tide pools, and he needs help with some smapling. so this saturday ima be down byteh beacj helping save teh tide pools! YEAH! (and maybe talking to some cute bio major guys..<3)

have fuuun! kick that projects ass!

Unknown said...

Maybe with all this flu business you can get a good deal on a plane ticket. I'm so excited for you but jealous at the same time. Can't wait to see the pics. :)

Sars said...

Exciting things are in Nati's future :3