Friday, February 20, 2009


I'll tell you, I am so entertained by running that the time I spend on the treadmill seems to fly by. I'm not finding this week difficult at all.. Even though I'm increasing my foot speed, I'm not stressing out my body. I keep my heart rate below 80% of my max. I love it.
I've changed my eating plan but I don't want to discuss it. It's top secret info. ;)

I feel so liberated from the scale. Happy, gorgeous and sexy! I'm just enjoying the gym and the people I talk to in there. I know it's been only one week, but I guarantee you I will be reluctant to weigh myself come next Saturday.

Most of the time when I'm in school I keep to myself, but today I ventured out to make conversation with people I don't normally talk to, like my neighbors in classes. It was.. entertaining? I spoke to 2 wackos, and lots of other people. The club I belong to is doing a mock of American Idol, and I was the door person. I saw so many people I know and people from last semester. I've got a lunch date for next week :D I'm just happy today!

My aunt is coming over this weekend, and I love seeing her. She is a Social Worker, so I always have questions about the field and regulations. We speak in spanish a lot. I noticed since i'm not in that Spanish class any longer that I'm losing my ability to make spontaneous conversation, and to express myself.. Well, not losing it, but I'm not as ready to just jump into conversing. This makes me exponentially sad, but my friend Giancarlo says he's going to talk to me in Spanish in the hallways. He's the club president, and a student from Peru.

but back to weight loss.. I just like not working for a numerical reward. I'm just enjoying how accomplished I feel working out, and the energy I get from it. At 9 AM everyone else is trying to wake up and I've already burned 700 calories or so. I'm ready to take the world on.


Ariana said...

the incredible unstoppable Nati! that's great! and 700 calories? daang woman! i need to step mine up a notch!
<3 you amaze me!

Sars said...

I am watching you blossom, Natita. I miss you!