Thursday, February 5, 2009

I am exhausted

This has been the first week of couch to 5k. On top of that, I was lifting heavy weights and sometimes getting in an extra afternoon cardio workout in. I worked out 5 days this past week. I ate well. Then why do I gain 2 pounds? As of Tuesday when I had a body composition analysis done, I had lost a pound. Two days later on official weigh in day my weigh has jumped up 3 lbs. If I had eaten a whole pizza I'd know exactly where I went wrong, but instead I have no clue what happened. I'm reeeeeally tired of my weight bouncing around. Am I not supposed to be below 200 lbs? I know its probably muscle or water. It's about weighing less than 200 lbs. It's the magic number, that's why I feel disheartenned. I'm not about to stop lifting weights though. I learned my lesson last semester related to that.

week 2 of couch to 5k begins tomorrow, Friday. I need running shoes because after each session I have pain in my knees. I also want a pair of gloves for lifting weights, sometimes I have pain in my wrists after I am done. More on the weights, I keep seeing the weight increasing, which is awesome. I'm no longer lifting 10 lbs on anything like I was when I started.

I just went downstairs and my dad says that my pants are looking really loose. Makes me feel good after a gain. I know there are changes going on.

I may post a video. We'll see.


Ariana said...

you BETTER post a video!
but sorry to hear about the gain, you know your doing well but the number can be so daunting! and its great to hear about your lifting of weights! lat semester i took it easy on weight lifting and my arms lost the little muscle they had really quickly. and yes. you need rly good shoes for when you run pain you may not feel when walking suddenly appears with running. don't loos heart. you are doing amazingly woman!

Sars said...

I am so proud of you. :) Seriously.