Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Bookends

Alright, not really weight loss related. Life related. In my Life Span development class I sit in between these two guys. The one on the right is dopey and tries to use complex vocabulary to make himself sound smart, but usually gets lost halfway between explaining his idea and just trails off. The one on the left? just whoa. WHOA. what? He talks extremely fast and raises his hand all the time to say the most asanine shit. Needless to say they are an endless source of entertainment, and don't seem to be phased by anything. And before class they want to CHAT with me about the lectures or just random shit depending on whether its the left or the right. I read the paper before class. You would think that to be a signal that I'm not available to chat, but no. The other day we were talking about what 'overweight' means and so lefty raises his hand.. I'm sitting there wondering what stroke of genius he's going to bestow on us. He says "If you can pinch an inch, you are overweight." To which our thin blonde professor responds "From where? Because in my ass I can pinch a lot of inches" I just died laughing. Then the one on the right goes "what are your sources?" Lefty says "That information cannot be disclosed at this time." and then random old guy in the back says "A Kellog's Special K commercial"

... yeah probably not as funny to read as it was to be there. I <3 college.

Anyway.. I'm loving the no weigh in this week. Though I'm surprised how many times I've already had to remind myself that there will be no weigh in. Makes me think about how much I think of the scale. Also, I noticed lately in the gym that I'm looking nice and curvy. I used to laugh to myself at the guys who are there to lift weights but constantly check themselves out in the mirror after doing like.. 2 reps. But.. I like checking me out in the mirror too!! I'm pretty sure I'm turning heads. I can see it in my peripheral vision. I like it :) Just as long as they don't try to talk to me I'm good. And not in a conceited way, just that it's akward and I really don't know what to say.

Also. Hot guy in the gym. Nice smile. A little older than the rest of the students, always says hello to me. Nice looking mantoy. Me likey. More reason to get there at 6 am.

There's this kid Brandon in one of the clubs I joined who says he's going to be in the gym tomorrow morning. I better see him! It would be nice to have a workout partner.

1 comment:

Ariana said...

mmmm! mantoy ya say? lovely!
and oh man! funny story! i love it when teachers 1-up the annoying people who think they smart! i <3 college cuz of the professors, they rock! and woman! you do have some nice curves! you are very lucky!