Friday, February 6, 2009

I stepped on it this morning and it said 207.8.......... come on! That's almost 2 lbs heavier than yesterday? worked out like a fiend yesterday, and the past week. I'm really trying to remain positive and give myself the logical self talk, but I'm feeling like I knew the path and could clearly see it in front of me and now I'm in this fog. I feel disoriented. Zurple said to throw my scale away. I wish I could. I'm afraid that without it I will blow up. I'm focusing wayyyyy to much on weight loss right now. I'm obsessed - there you go. What I really want is fat loss, but I can't have body composition tests done everyday! I'm going mad! I don't know exactly what these little fluctuations mean, it's driving me insane. From the outside I would know what to say to someone else in this spot. That weight isn't what matters. Fat loss is. I'm doing what I need to be doing, why am I going in the "wrong direction"? What's with this emotional attachment to the number? this isn't who I was in the beginning. I feel dull, and caught up in my self. And lots of other emotions. And I'm going out for chinese tonight with my family. Tomorrow, the scale would tell me I weigh even more, but I know I don't need that right now. up and down and arouuuund we go. I just re read that. I'm craaazy. needed an outlet. Thanks for reading.

EDIT: that's not even readable is it?

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