Tuesday, October 14, 2008

You know, I thrive on structure. Yesterday and today were 'fall break' and in terms of activity without school I don't do nearly as much exercise, and not doing as much entails the blahs. I must learn to create structure for myself, because during the winter break and summer I won't have a gym, unless I take an accelerated winter course and summer classes.

Anatomy blows.

Thursday, I have an on-site Anthropology observation at the mall at 8:30 AM. Everyone in that group can thing of oh.. 6 other things they would rather be doing at that time than scoping out what kind of idiot goes to the mall at 8:30 in the morning and barfing up a presentation about it.

Here's a juicy tidbit for you. In one of my classes, I'm in this group of wonderful people, my favorite group ever. And in this group there is this man whom I have a crush on. I am not an aggressive female, but sometimes I feel transparent, like it's horribly easy to tell with me how I feel about a man. The stupidest things fly out of my mouth because I say whatever comes to mind in this particular group, we've all got chemistry. An example, the professor asks us to look at the person next to us and imagine imitating them for one day. So he comments about how he would have to get a few piercings. And you know what I say? 'I don't have any that you don't see, by the way.' The girl sitting caddy corner to me chuckles. At the moment it worked in my head, but then I thought about it. Forward much? why me? alas. Things either are meant to happen or they aren't. And to be frank I can't see it being anything more than lust. I'm bored I guess.

My bed is calling my name


Unknown said...

This post was cracking me up, Nat. Mainly, because I know exactly how you feel. I'm not great with the whole flirting thing either.

On a side note, I'm really good in anatomy so if you have any questions feel free to ask me. I good at human anatomy, that is. I'm not great at cellular anatomy but I'm okay. I can't promise much but I can try if you have any problems. Good luck.

Sars said...

I am just planning to treat the opposite sex like they have cooties for the rest of my life. I really do not have the self confidence to flirt or anything like that. XD