Wednesday, May 20, 2009


No one is updating blogspot anymore, it's sad! I feel I'm losing touch with everyone.

10 days till Moscu. I hate packing. I really, really do. I'm excited though. While in Russia it sounds like we'll be eating a lot of fried food. GROSS. It's what they eat though.

two things that are stressing me with this trip:

1) pickpocketting
2) fashion

I'm having trouble adjusting to being out of school again now. I feel really depressed and lonely because I would see my friends all the time there, and now I'm home, and it's just blahh. I find myself just reading and eating this week. I've been active like with cleaning and walking.. gym etc but I'm not as much on-the-go and I really miss that. Eating isn't where I want it yet.. I'll get there, I'm getting better.

10% Challenge.. I am shocked at how many people are participating.. like REALLY. like oh crap now I have to think of a cool prize to give.


Unknown said...

Ugh, I hear ya. I've gone a bit off track. Not completely but I'm not doing it hardcore like I was before & with my sister getting married in August, I'm not really allowed to until after the wedding. Not that I really have time to right now with all the planning & some personal & family issues that are popping up a lot lately. Not really great excuses but there it is anyway. :) Same reasons I haven't updated my blog in a while too plus I have several ideas but I've been so exhausted when I get home lately, I usually fall asleep checking my email.

I love to pack. Now unpacking is a whole different story. I think it is the excitment of going somewhere. Can't wait to hear all your stories.

Good luck with your 10% challenge. I must admit I did see that you posted a video about the challenge but I haven't had a chance to watch videos for over a week & so I missed it. I'm a bit sad to say but, I am going to have to pull back from YT for a few months. I'll still be trying to post & I'll try to pop in every once in a while but I just can't keep up with it & my schedule right now & it stresses me out to try.

Have a great weekend & I'll try to update my blog this weekend if I have the time & the inspiration. :D

LadyofLostTimes said...

WOW Rissia!! I didnt know!! How long are you going for hun? I will miss you but have fun for me too :)

I know I said that all I was going to update my blog but when I was away I really did have a way to update it or the time. I am back now and I will be updating:)

Call me befor you go hun