Saturday, July 25, 2009

weigh in

I waste a lot of time on the internet.. I read yesterday that the average American spends 8.5 hours in front of a screen per day. Astounding.

My weight is still the same, I weighed this week at 204.4 :) I think I will go back to a monthly weigh in for next month, because it's just depressing me to feel like I am not getting anywhere, when in fact I am making progress.

While on the elliptical this morning I was having so much fun working out! The sweat was pouring and I was just loving being alive. I'm climbing out of the depression I had experienced for the past week. I was thinking while on the elliptical about the boyfriend that I had in high school and how I had initially became bulimic because he said he would find me more attractive if I were thinner. I lost 80 lbs for him, not for me, and then subsequently put on 11o lbs after 'recovering'. I enjoyed being thinner, but I really did it to please him. I am owning up to it now, because it was my decision and I am responsible for myself. I blamed him for a long time, but I think life brings us where it does so that we learn, and I have certainly learned from that experience.

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