Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Gym shopping / workout posture

yep.. but not in the sense that you think of it. I'm going around town getting one week free at every gym! When one free ride ends I go find another. I'm trying out the yoga class tonight..

I discovered that I go through this deep guilt and depression after going to the mosque and it lasts for days. I agree with some aspects and others.. are just not for me. I feel so imperfect with all of the super religious people, so I will not go back again. I need some sort of spirituality though, that I can feel loved and accepted as an imperfect human being. I really loved yoga, I did, and I am in search of the right class. Yoga has an amazing effect on the body and did wonders for my mind and posture when I practiced it regularly.

Speaking of posture, today's workout was amazing! I realized that I was working out with the wrong posture on the treadmill, and I need to keep my back straight and face forward, swinging my arms in order to get the real workout. Holding that handlebar takes away from the workout completely; I wasn't using my leg muscles! My entire morning was wonderful.. I was so completely silly in class though, I have to regulate myself. But after having 3 shitty days in a row, to have such a light, cheery, crazy and carefree morning was incredible and uplifting.

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