Sunday, September 28, 2008


Thursday-Saturday were horrendous. And I swear this happens whenever I get to a goal, that I say 'OK time to relax!' and that's just not how things work, and I KNOW IT which makes me a little more frustrated. You see, I didn't want to announce the halfway loss on youtube because I was standing at the top of the fence on my tippy toes, and I want to be able to make the video and be on the other side, by 3-5 lbs, and going full speed ahead.

this next week will be better. And I know it's laziness + circumstances that have contributed to these past few days, but I've just got to get back on it, I'm hoping that writing about it here helps.

3:30 AM and I need to go back to bed, I just can't sleep. This has me worried it really does


Sars said...

I freak out like this whenever I'm about to hit a goal. I freaked out at 50 pounds, and now that I'm .6 away from another big goal I'm freaking out again, especially because of the plateau, but we will eventually be at other goals and moving forward, thinking we were silly for our freak outs.

Nat said...

Exactly, you understand.