Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Yesterday in fitness class everyone got weighed in public. ..ugh.. and whatmore the scale went beserk on me I have no idea why, but when I stepped on it it read 246 or something weird like that. The second time I stepped on it one minute later, it said 267 so. So the teacher has me written in at something, I don't know what. Everyone else got weighed accurately. I guess the lucky people on my team are going to win the weight loss competition because we're using a more accurate scale the last day of class.

this week I was interviewed in Spanish which in retrospect was cool. Beforehand I was sweating it like crazy, but now I'm just impressed that I know more Spanish than I think I know. I really can't wait for winter break to come so I can practice more Spanish on hopefully make some native Spanish speaking friends in other countries :D we can talk to each other on headsets and there are translator programs installed in their message windows. If you want to practice or learn another language I highly recommend this site.

I'm officially a size 18! Well a Lane bryant 18 anyway. To be out of the 20's in jean sizes, it's just a great feeling. I'm too poor/cheap to buy new pants right now though, so I will continue to wear my bigger pants until they become ridiculously large. It's a new place, and I also feel afraid to spend money on new pants because then I have to stay that size (or lower) or I would have wasted my money.

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