Thursday, January 15, 2009

Weigh in 1/15/09

School starts Tuesday, and it's a mix of yay/ugh for me. Yay for the gym, for learning, and for feeling like I have more of a purpose. Ugh for the stress

I'm sick and I don't feel like making a video right now. Today is weigh in day. In the city, I ate lots of great food. I had.. Thai, Indian, Chinese, Mexican, Colombian, and I don't remember what else. I didn't stuff myself other than once, I walked a lot and didn't drink much more than 4 glasses of water a day, usually in the wee hours. I hate public restrooms and this is why. I expected a gain but instead woke up to a loss of 1 lb. Very cool.

I'm ready for school, and for killing it at the gym again.

My weight as of this morning is 206.6 lbs


1 comment:

Alysha said...

Great job on the Loss! Keep up the great work!